Tilley Pearsall Genealogy Database

Person Page 361

Amanda J. Williamson

F, #9001

Family: Robert Minor Brookins (b. 16 July 1876, d. 14 July 1948)

DaughterBernice Janete Brookins+ (b. 21 July 1911, d. 12 January 1995)


Research NoteAccording to the 1920 census, Amanda's parents were born in Ireland of Scottish descent.
Last Edited 12 October 2018

Robert Minor Brookins

M, #9002, b. 16 July 1876, d. 14 July 1948

Family: Amanda J. Williamson

DaughterBernice Janete Brookins+ (b. 21 July 1911, d. 12 January 1995)


Birth16 July 1876Robert Minor Brookins was born on 16 July 1876 in Napa County, California.
Census1920He appeared in the census 1920 in Sacramento River, Shasta County, California. Robert is listed as: Robert J (owns home, age 43, b. in California, father in Arkansas, mother in Iowa. Superintendent, Steam Railroad)
Amanda J. (wife, age 34, born in California and parents born in Ireland of Scotch descent)
Bernise J. (daughter, age 8, born in California)
Hugh R. (son, age 5, born in California)
Death14 July 1948He died on 14 July 1948 in Napa County, California,
Burial16 July 1948He was buried on 16 July 1948 at Newtown Cemebery in Shasta Lake, Shasta County, California.
Last Edited 12 October 2018

Jacob Tritle

M, #9003, b. 1803


Birth1803Jacob Tritle was born in 1803.
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Ocean L. Babcock

M, #9004, b. January 1910


FatherPerry U. Babcock (b. 1861, d. 1937)
MotherDelia Emma Smalley (b. 1869, d. 1938)


BirthJanuary 1910Ocean L. Babcock was born in January 1910 in Missouri.
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Lester Babcock

M, #9005, b. January 1894


FatherPerry U. Babcock (b. 1861, d. 1937)
MotherDelia Emma Smalley (b. 1869, d. 1938)


BirthJanuary 1894Lester Babcock was born in January 1894 in Missouri.
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Lena Babcock

F, #9006, b. November 1896


FatherPerry U. Babcock (b. 1861, d. 1937)
MotherDelia Emma Smalley (b. 1869, d. 1938)


BirthNovember 1896Lena Babcock was born in November 1896 in Missouri.
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Leila Babcock

F, #9007


FatherPerry U. Babcock (b. 1861, d. 1937)
MotherDelia Emma Smalley (b. 1869, d. 1938)
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Emma Babcock

F, #9008, b. 1924


FatherPerry U. Babcock (b. 1861, d. 1937)
MotherDelia Emma Smalley (b. 1869, d. 1938)


Birth1924Emma Babcock was born in 1924 in Missouri.
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Kenneth Babcock

M, #9009, b. 1908


FatherPerry U. Babcock (b. 1861, d. 1937)
MotherDelia Emma Smalley (b. 1869, d. 1938)


Birth1908Kenneth Babcock was born in 1908 in Harper County, Kansas.
Last Edited 13 October 2018

Benjamin Smalley

M, #9010, b. 20 November 1702, d. before 28 July 1747


FatherJohn Smalley (b. 8 September 1644, d. about 1733)
MotherLydia Martin (b. about 1655, d. after 13 September 1731)

Family: Mercy Gardner (b. about 1703)

SonBenjamin Smalley+ (b. 26 October 1741, d. about 1779)


Birth20 November 1702Benjamin Smalley was born on 20 November 1702 in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Marriage7 June 1725He and Mercy Gardner were married on 7 June 1725 in Burlington, Burlington County, New Jersey,1
Deathbefore 28 July 1747He died before 28 July 1747 in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey,
Last Edited 13 October 2018


  1. [S619] New Jersey County Marriages, 1682 - 1956; New Jersey State Archives, Filmed by Family History Library, FHL Film 851752, Trenton, New Jersey

Mercy Gardner

F, #9011, b. about 1703

Family: Benjamin Smalley (b. 20 November 1702, d. before 28 July 1747)

SonBenjamin Smalley+ (b. 26 October 1741, d. about 1779)


Birthabout 1703Mercy Gardner was born about 1703 in Westchester County, New York.
Marriage7 June 1725Benjamin Smalley and she were married on 7 June 1725 in Burlington, Burlington County, New Jersey,1
Last Edited 13 October 2018


  1. [S619] New Jersey County Marriages, 1682 - 1956; New Jersey State Archives, Filmed by Family History Library, FHL Film 851752, Trenton, New Jersey

Benjamin Smalley

M, #9012, b. 26 October 1741, d. about 1779


FatherBenjamin Smalley (b. 20 November 1702, d. before 28 July 1747)
MotherMercy Gardner (b. about 1703)

Family: Rachel Cresson (b. about 1742, d. about 1815)

SonWilliam Smalley+ (b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838)
DaughterMary Smalley (b. January 1771, d. 1831)


Birth26 October 1741Benjamin Smalley was born on 26 October 1741 in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Marriageabout 1760He and Rachel Cresson were married about 1760 in New Jersey
Relocationabout 1761About 1761, Benjamin Smalley moved to Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania, from New Jersey with his family.
Deathabout 1779He died about 1779 in Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania, Killed in an Indian raid.
Last Edited 8 June 2019

Rachel Cresson

F, #9013, b. about 1742, d. about 1815

Family: Benjamin Smalley (b. 26 October 1741, d. about 1779)

SonWilliam Smalley+ (b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838)
DaughterMary Smalley (b. January 1771, d. 1831)


Birthabout 1742Rachel Cresson was born about 1742 in New Jersey.
Marriageabout 1760Benjamin Smalley and she were married about 1760 in New Jersey
Deathabout 1815She died about 1815 in Clinton County, Ohio,
Last Edited 13 October 2018

William Smalley

M, #9014, b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838


FatherBenjamin Smalley (b. 26 October 1741, d. about 1779)
MotherRachel Cresson (b. about 1742, d. about 1815)

Family 1: Elizabeth Kelsy

Family 2: Prudence Hoel (b. before 1775, d. 1824)

DaughterPrudence Smalley
DaughterRachel Smalley
SonBenjamin Smalley+
SonFreeman Smalley+
SonWilliam Smalley, Jr.
DaughterMary Smalley
SonJames Smalley
SonJesse Smalley
DaughterMartha Smalley
SonJohn R. Smalley (b. 1792, d. 19 August 1834)


BiographySKETCH OF WILLIAM SMALLEY On account of the eventful career of Wm. Smalley, and the fact that he was the first settler of Washington Township and played a prominent part in the history of its settlement, we give him this extended notice. Opinions differ as to the date and place of his birth, but the most probable account obtained by much research, is, that he was born in New Jersey about the year 1759 or 1760, and lived with his father's family in the state until 1764, when they moved to Western Pennsylvania, where a number of families had settled near Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh). When the time came for planting and cultivating the crops, in the sixteenth year of his age, he and the aged men, women and boys of the fort were placed as pickets to notify the settlers working in the fields of any approaching danger from the Indians, who were then very hostile. Despite their watchfulness, the savages crept between the fort and laborers, and in the excitement that followed, young Smalley and others were captured by the Delaware Indians.
He was made to witness horrible and revolting scenes; he saw his father cruelly tomahawked by an Indian and most of the prisoners taken ruthlessly butchered. He, with a few others, were retained and carried into captivity. They were taken to the Indian town on the Maumee River, and there confined in a hut built for the purpose, on the outskirts of the village. They were afterward taken into the town and forced to "run the gauntlet," through which young Smalley passed alive. His ears were bored, cut and otherwise lacerated until they hung in strips of marks of cruelty which he carried to his grave, being well remembered by many of the old citizens now living. He remained with the Indians five years, in that time learning to speak their language with great fluency. After the unfortunate incident with the Indians and Col. Crawford, in which the whites were routed and many taken captive, he witnessed the burning of Col. Crawford and the torture and death of others. At this time, the Indians were unable to dispose of their furs and other articles of trade, on account of their violation of their treaty with the French, and being anxious to renew their intercourse with the whites, they deputized Smalley (who spoke English, French as well as Indian) to visit the French post and negotiate terms of peace, promising him his liberty if he succeeded. He undertook the mission, in which he was successful, and immediately thereafter returned to his people in Pennsylvania, where soon afterward married Prudence Hoel.
While with the Indians, he saw several prisoners burned and on one occasion, saw an infant snatched from it's mother's breast and thrown into the flames.

Soon after his marriage, he removed with the surviving members of his father's family to Columbia, near Fort Washington (now Cincinnati), Ohio. During part of the time prior to the treaty of Greenville, probably about 1788, Smalley was engaged by Gen. Lytle as a hunter and guide to his surveying party, at 75 cents a day. He was also in Harmar's campaign and St. Clair's defeat, in the latter engagement discharging his rifle thirty-five times, twenty one of which it is said took effect. When Col. Truman and Maj. Lynch were commissioned by the Government to make peace with the Indians,Smalley was employed as their guide and interpreter. While on the Auglaize River on their way to the Indian country, they met three Indians with whom they agreed to camp for the night, the day being far spent and the savages making a profession of friendship. The party had six guns, all empty except Smalley's . In the night the treacherous savages murdered the two brave officers, but made no effort to injure Smalley . The two officers were scalped and Smalley forced to dry their scalps before the fire. On the following morning, Smalley with the three Indians, commenced their march to the Indian town, where upon their arrival, Smalley was put on a stump and forced to make a speech and explain his absence from them. At the expiration of a year and seven months in captivity, he was enabled with the assistance of an Indian friend, to escape from his second captivity. He returned to his home in Columbia, where he remained but a short time.

About the year 1791, he engaged with Gen Wayne as a guide and interpreter in his expedition against the Indians Smalley's knowledge of the paths, roads and Indian trails, as well as his acquaintance with the Indian manners and habits, made him well calculated to act in this capacity. He remained with the army until after the treaty of Greenville, when the soldiers were discharged.

Smalley returned to his home and devoted his remaining years to a life of less danger. He located lands on Todd's Fork of the Little Miami River, ten miles above the mouth of the stream, in a survey patented to William Lytle, William T. Barre and Duncan McArthur; he and his brother built a double cabin in 1797 and cleared a considerable tract of the finest land in that locality. Mr. Smalley erected a saw-mill and grist-mill about 1805 or 06; he also built a small distillery. At this time the country was sparsely settled and their nearest neighbor being James Miranda, who lived at the mouth of Todd's Fork, where the flourishing village of Morrow is now situated.

Mr. Smalley was the father of ten children, six sons and four daughters, named: Benjamin, Freeman (a Baptist minister), John , Rachel, William, Mary, James, Jesse, Martha and Prudence; all married in Warren County, and lived for a time, on their father's land, which lies in Warren and Clinton Counties.

Rachel married William Nelson and died in 1824, being the first person interred in the graveyard near the depot at Clarksville; her mother was buried at the same place one month later. William died some years previously. Mary married Zara Stearns and moved West; Prudence the youngest, married Jonas Stump, and now lives near Harveysburg in her seventy-second year. The brothers all moved West in or before 1831.

Mr. Smalley, the father married the widow of Thomas Kelsey, moved West in 1832 and settled in Vermillion Co., Illinois, where he died in 1840, well advanced in years and possessed of a comfortable estate.

EARLY SETTLEMENTS The first settlement, or rather the first cabin as a nucleus, around which the pioneers began to locate, was built by
William Smalley and his brother Benjamin Smalley, in 1797, on the Southeast bank of Todd's Fork, where Charles E. Hadley now lives, one mile West of Clarksville. A double cabin was erected. The cabins were in the verge of extensive bottom lands, the Little East Fork on the South and extending up Todd's Fork many miles. These cabins were about fifty rods West of the Clinton County line, through Warren County, until 1810, extended East to Wilmington. The two brothers hacked a road from somewhere near Columbia and brought their families and a few household necessities they were possessed of the cabins, arriving in the early morning. They unpacked their goods, placed them in the huts and returned to the Columbia for the remainder of their property, leaving their wives and children in the wilderness with strict injunctions to show NO signs of fear if the Indians came. That night, eight Indians came to their cabin to stay all night; their request was granted and it was so arranged to let them as far as possible occupy one of the cabins. One of the men, a stalwart fellow, took his position in the part occupied by the two Mrs. Smalley's, laid on the earthen floor, his motions being very restless and suspicious. Mrs. William Smalley (Prudence Hoel) kept herself awake by rocking a rude cradle all night while lying on her bed. Late in the night, the Indian got up, stirred the fire, lit his pipe, took a long leisurely smoke, lay down and slept quietly the remainder of the night. In the morning, they departed. If there is any truth in the old adage that it is an omen of good luck to have visitors the first day on moving to a new house, it was surely verified in this case!

EXCERPTS FROM A LETTER WRITTEN APRIL 19 1936 by Mr. Fremont Miars William Smalley was adopted into the family of the Indian Chief who had lost a son. The chief's at that time were Captain Pipe, Wingenund and Killbuck. Mr. Smalley and his wife, children and another woman came down the Ohio river in a dug out canoe. On the way, the canoe sprung a leak. Grandma (Prudence Hoel) told the other woman to caulk the boat. She began to cry and said that they would all drown. Grandma boxed her ears and said, "go to work". The woman caulked the boat in a short time!
William Smalley bought his land from Gen. Lytle of Cincinnati, who refused to make him a deed after getting his money. Smalley later went to Cincinnati to the land office, dropped his rifle into the hollow of his left arm, told Lytle, he had come for his deed. William Smalley said he would go out into the hills to hunt for three days and then return for the deed. When he returned, Lytle handed him his deed without any argument. He knew of Smalley's life and character!

William Smalley writes "Awakened and quickened to a realization and appreciation of refined and beautiful womanhood, to which I had been unaccustomed in my savage life, I saw and appreciated tributes that made one of the fair Caucasian maids not only useful as a member of society, but indispensable to my own particular welfare. As I have been ever ready to strive for that which I have believed good for my own personal benefit, no matter how unequal the contest, I determined to enter into a contest with my rival for the hand and heart of the fair Prudence Newman. Knowing that my words will be inadequate to describe her charms and worth, I shall not attempt to do so. Suffice it to say she was as good as beautiful, and beautiful beyond comparison. No maid was ever more lovely than she..........
I was unskilled in etiquette, know little of letters or courtship, but I knew I loved her and I did not hesitate to tell her so. One evening we were returning to her home from my mother’s, where she had been visiting, and we walked through the woodland intervening. I then said to her:“The flowers that bloom about your feet are beautiful, but you, in my sight, are more lovely than they. Their fragrance is delicious but insignificant in comparison to the incense your presence exhales. The birds are singing about us, but the sounds of their songs are not so full of melody as the music of your soft, gentle speech. The birds are mating now, for it is spring time, the time for love and wedlock. From the first moment that we met my heart, hitherto untouched by love, has thrilled with rapture whenever my eyes rest upon you, for Prudence, you are not only fair, but you are kind and sympathetic. I am rude and have not yet learned the soft and gentle speech of my race and kindred from whom so long I have been apart, but I will, for your sake, learn them, for I love you. My words are true and I love none other.” -------
His Rival Was There - -At first the maiden made no reply. She turned her eyes from mine, which were gazing eagerly into hers, and bowed her head, while a crimson blush suffused her fair face. Just then there was a rustle among the leaves, & my practiced ear detected that there was something present. Instinctively I felt that we were being watched. We had reached a point in our journey where some large rocks rested beside our pathway. Behind one of these some one was concealed. Naturally I reached for my hunting knife and had my hand upon it. She heard the noise, but had not noticed it as I did and was all unsuspecting until she saw me grasp the hilt of the knife and my attitude change from love for her to suspicion. Then she turned to me and placed her hand upon that one of mine which grasped the knife. At that instant my rival moved and I saw him crouching behind the stone.
Then I spoke to him. I said: “Miserable coward, I once spared your life; ever since then you have dogged my footsteps and sought my life, which you have not had the courage to try to take openly. You hide along my trail to hear my words and creep like the snake instead o walking upright as a man and a warrior should. If you are a man, step forth, & fight like one and you will die an honorable and decent death. If not, sneak away like the serpent, and when next I see you I will kill you like I do the adder. You are not even as good as the rattlesnake, which always gives warning of his presence and an opportunity to avoid a fight with him. You creep and hide behind rocks like the adder. Come forth and fight.”
The maiden spoke. She said to me: “William, he is unworthy of your steel. Let him creep away, as you say -- like the snake. Harm him not. If you do, I can never love you. I can not give my heart to one shoes hand is stained with blood. Let him go.” She pointed in the opposite direction to that in which our way led and turning to my rival, said to him: “If you have any self respect left go away from this vicinity and never return. I know your true character and pity your faults, but don’t want to see you again, ever. Your life has been spared twice. Don’t place it in peril a third time. Go.” He turned and slowly walked away. I then resumed my suit with the maid. To her I said: “This man’s life again I have spared for your sake alone although I know that he loves and wished to wed you. I will not promise to spare him longer unless you tell me you love me and will be my bride.” Smalley Wins His Bride...Prudence then said simply: “From the first I have loved you and I am yours only, but do not stain your hands with human blood.” I then put my strong arms around her & she did not attempt to evade my caress. I kissed her cherry red lips and she returned my kiss. In rapture we walked to her humble cottage and far into the night I staid at its portal, where we arranged for our wedding. I built me a log cabin of my own on land which I had purchased with the proceeds of my toil. It was between the homes of my mother and her parents. With my own hands I fashioned most of its furnishings, which were made for comfort. I was skilled in woodwork and made my chairs large and strong and my beds long and wide. My mother and my sisters placed their offerings in my new home and my mother rejoiced at my choice and success, for she loved my bride even as a child of her own............. In the same little chapel where I first saw by bride, and where my paleface friends first saw and laughed at me, we were wedded and I could not help feeling sensations of pride and triumph as I stood at her side in front of the kind soul who with a few simple words made us man and wife. From the little church to our home we went and there commenced our peaceful and joyful life that we both had hoped was destined to be unattended by any interruption or separation. Here we spent five years of uninterrupted happiness and prospered. My mother and my sisters and her people were often with us in our home and when we could we went to theirs. My wife added to our mutual joy by presenting me with two children. They, like myself, were robust and active. Like the little lake which was beside our home our lives were as placid and as undisturbed as human tranquility can be. My rival and enemy had gone away.1
Research Note William Smalley Wikipedia entry.
Biography"Caught in the Fray", in the Ohio State Parks magazine, Fall 2010/Winter 2011, pp 2-6.
Birthabout 1760William Smalley was born about 1760 in New Jersey.
Residenceabout 1776As of about 1776 William lived in Georges Creek, Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania, William's father was killed and William was captured by Indians, and carried to Ohio.2,3
History NoteThe following event took place: William lived with the Delaware Indians through the first half of the 1780's.
Residence1785As of 1785 William lived in Georges Creek, Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania, On his release, William returned to the Fort Pitt area.
Marriage21 August 1787He and Prudence Hoel were married on 21 August 1787 in Fayette City, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, William and Prudence raised 10 children in the area of Todd's Fork, Ohio, near Clarksville, Clinton County, Ohio.
Relocationabout 1790About 1790, William Smalley moved to Fort Washington, Ohio.
Residence1797As of 1797 William lived in Todd's Fork, Washington Township, Warren County, Ohio,
Death of Spouse1824In 1824, William suffered the loss of his spouse Prudence Hoel.
Death30 September 1838He died on 30 September 1838 in Vermillion County, Illinois,
Newspaper Mention6 September 1915The 6 September 1915 edition of the The Walnut Valley Times, El Dorado, Kansas, reported Link to story about William Smalley, in the hometown paper of a descendent, D. R. Blankinship of Rosalia Twp, KS.

Last Edited 10 June 2023


  1. [S876] Various authors, The History of Warren County, Ohio (Chicago: W. H. Beers & Co., 1882), p. 697+; digital images, archive.org (https://archive.org/details/oh-warren-1882-beers/page/n5 : Viewed on WikiTree
  2. [S992] Jr. Paul C. Wilson, The Smalleys: a preliminary history (Galveston, TX: Typed, Microfilmed, 1961); Houston Public Library Genealogy Collection (Available on FamilySearch Books: Family Search International), 929.2 W742, Film 301268
  3. [S1076] Jr. Paul Wilson, The Smalleys: a preliminary history (Galveston, TX: Privately printed, 1961), p. 3+; digital images, Family Search, Family Search Digital Library (https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/viewer/616961/?offset=&return=1#page=1&viewer=picture&o=&n=0&q= : accessed

Prudence Hoel

F, #9015, b. before 1775, d. 1824

Family: William Smalley (b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838)

DaughterPrudence Smalley
DaughterRachel Smalley
SonBenjamin Smalley+
SonFreeman Smalley+
SonWilliam Smalley, Jr.
DaughterMary Smalley
SonJames Smalley
SonJesse Smalley
DaughterMartha Smalley
SonJohn R. Smalley (b. 1792, d. 19 August 1834)


Birthbefore 1775Prudence Hoel was born before 1775 in Cumberland County, New Jersey.
Marriage21 August 1787William Smalley and she were married on 21 August 1787 in Fayette City, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, William and Prudence raised 10 children in the area of Todd's Fork, Ohio, near Clarksville, Clinton County, Ohio.
Death1824She died in 1824 in Clarksville, Clinton County, Ohio,
Burial1824She was buried in 1824 at Smalley Clarksville Cemetery in Clarksville, Clinton County, Ohio. She is the only burial listed on Findagrave for this cemetery.1
Last Edited 15 October 2018


  1. [S287] Find a Grave Website, online www.findagrave.com, Smalley Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, OH

Elizabeth Kelsy

F, #9016

Family: William Smalley (b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838)

Last Edited 23 May 2019

Elisha Smalley

M, #9017


FatherJohn Smalley (b. 8 September 1644, d. about 1733)
MotherLydia Martin (b. about 1655, d. after 13 September 1731)
Last Edited 15 October 2018

Phebe Smalley

F, #9018


FatherJohn Smalley (b. 8 September 1644, d. about 1733)
MotherLydia Martin (b. about 1655, d. after 13 September 1731)
Last Edited 15 October 2018

Ephraim Dunham

M, #9019
Last Edited 15 October 2018

Sarah Fitz Randolph

F, #9020, b. about 1690

Family: Jonathan Smalley (b. 10 April 1683, d. after 1763)


Birthabout 1690Sarah Fitz Randolph was born about 1690.
Marriageabout 1707Jonathan Smalley and she were married about 1707 Sarah and Jonathan had 10 children.1
Last Edited 11 October 2021


  1. [S874] David D. Smalley, Genealogy of The John Smalley Family of England (Houston, TX: Apr 1955), p.5; digital images, ExLibris Rosetta (https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?from=fhd&dps_pid=IE1108705 : accessed

Prudence Smalley

F, #9021


FatherWilliam Smalley (b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838)
MotherPrudence Hoel (b. before 1775, d. 1824)

Family: Jonas Stump

Last Edited 15 October 2018

Jonas Stump

M, #9022
Last Edited 15 October 2018

John R. Smalley

M, #9023, b. 1792, d. 19 August 1834


FatherWilliam Smalley (b. about 1760, d. 30 September 1838)
MotherPrudence Hoel (b. before 1775, d. 1824)

Family: Salome Swallow (b. about 1795)


Birth1792John R. Smalley was born in 1792 in Columbia, Hamilton County, Ohio.
Marriage19 July 1812He and Salome Swallow were married on 19 July 1812 in Clinton County, Ohio,
Death19 August 1834He died on 19 August 1834 in Vermillion County, Illinois,
Last Edited 15 October 2018

Salome Swallow

F, #9024, b. about 1795

Family: John R. Smalley (b. 1792, d. 19 August 1834)


Birthabout 1795Salome Swallow was born about 1795 in Delaware.
Marriage19 July 1812John R. Smalley and she were married on 19 July 1812 in Clinton County, Ohio,
Last Edited 15 October 2018

Sarah Staley

F, #9025

Family: Luther Herrick (b. 4 November 1831, d. 1 January 1916)

Last Edited 24 October 2018